Step 1: Please enter the family ID in the input field above. Then click submit.
Step 2: The discussion guide for the selected family will be generated on the next page. During the interview, flag questions by clicking on the corresponding checkbox to the left of the question.
Step 4: Click on "Generate PDF" to generate the flag output.
Step 5: Click on "Return to Main Page" to return to the main page.
Step 1: Please enter the family ID in the input field above. Then click submit.
Step 2: The discussion guide for the selected family will be generated on the next page. It will automatically check questions that were flagged in the last session. During the interview, flag questions by clicking on the corresponding checkbox to the left of the question.
Step 4: Click on "Generate PDF" to generate the flag output.
Step 5: Click on "Return to Main Page" to return to the main page.
Step 1: Please enter the family ID in the input field above. Then click submit.
Step 2: The discussion guide with flagged information for the selected family will be generated on the next page.
Step 3: Click on "Generate PDF" to generate the flag output, if desired.
Step 4: Click on "Return to Main Page" to return to the main page.